hide some staf

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme November 02, 2018
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Closed due to inactivity.
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You can translate "view on map" using language file. You can check http://soaptheme.net/document/citytours-wp/#translation to translate the theme.

Please use following css code. 

.tour-list .rating{ display: none; } 

.parallax-window .rating{ display: none; } 

Regards, C-Themes

abderahim arfa commented privately
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1.  Do you want to remove Room Types in hotel page? If yes, please replace /single-hotel.php in theme directory with attachted file.

And to hide "View on Map" button and "Advanced search" in hoetel search page, please use custom css code in theme options panel. http://prntscr.com/ldsf82

.btn_map{ display: none !important; }

#modify_search{ diplay: none !important; }

2. I can find "View Cart" string in language file in CityTours theme. So you can translate it. And I can not find "Load more" string in our theme. Can you send me page url, so that I can check?

3.  Please use following css code.

body.post-type-archive-hotel .container .col-lg-9.col-md-8 #tools .row .col-md-3.col-sm-3.col-xs-6:nth-child(2) .styled-select-filters { display: none; }

Regards, Kelly

abderahim arfa
6 years ago

And i want also hide this filter thanks

abderahim arfa
6 years ago


1 ) i want to hide some staf in my website because i dont need it ( i made 2 screen shoot )

2) i want transalate load more and view cart ( i did instal loco and i translate a lot of word but load more and view cart is not tranlated
