Date picker partly hidden by keyboard on mobile devices

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme November 03, 2018
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


If you have any other problem with our theme, don't hesitate to ask me.

Regards, C-Themes

producer promov
6 years ago

Thanks Kelly,
I will try it.



Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


We found the way to fix it.

Please find following code in /single-tour.php file

<input class="form-control date" type="text" name="date" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'When..', 'panagea' ); ?>">

And replace it with following.

<input onfocus="blur();" class="form-control date" type="text" name="date" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'When..', 'panagea' ); ?>">

And then try again.

Regards, C-Themes

producer promov
6 years ago


Please let me know when the date picker issue on mobile will be fixed.


Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


We will discuss this problem with our design teams.

Regards, Kelly

producer promov
6 years ago


I do not think the issue with how the date picker is displayed on mobile devices is a feature. As the on-screen keyboard covers most of the calendar it really should be changed to the date scroller.  It is not good user experience if he or she has to fiddle in picking the date and losing focus when the trting to scroll up the partly hidden calendar. If you have tried it you will know that is a design fault and should be corrected.

I would like to know if your designers intend to change to a date scroller that is intended for this very purpose - to make it easy and quick for the user to choose a date.


Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Thanks for your advice. We may add this feature in further version.

Regards, Kelly

producer promov
6 years ago


The date picker is a problem on mobile devices. As most users are now mobile, this should be fixed.


producer promov
6 years ago

There is a problem on mobile devices with the date picker as the keyboard obscures the calendar.
So it is fiddly and is an effort to pick dates.

It would be better not to launch the keybord and use date scroller instead.