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CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme November 09, 2018
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Aziz Rafiq
2 years ago

Tea Burn ingredients have not exactly been revealed by the makers of the products. However, their videos do talk about what Tea Burn contains in great detail. 

robert niles
2 years ago

I recommend that you play stickman hook. Very cool game that will help you relieve stress and relax. The best option what to play at work.

Albert Albert
2 years ago

Hello sir, I can't submit a ticket for the theme I purchased, and the previous tickets are gone. please tell me what happened

Aziz Rafiq
2 years ago

Let's start this Exipure review to learn about the origin, ingredients, processing and usage details. Using this information, you can easily decide whether to try or not.

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


If you have any other problem with our theme, please create another ticket.

And I hope you give our theme good rate in

Regards,  C-Themes

Stefano Mc Vey
6 years ago


Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Please replace /single-tour.php file with attachment.

Then tour type will not shown besides facilities in tour page.

Regards, C-Themes

Stefano Mc Vey
6 years ago

The icon of tour type goes with facilities icons, is there a way to avoid this?

I'd prefer that tour type icon doesn't appear with them

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Sorry for the delay response.

1. Please check  You should set header background color and menu color in theme options panel menu -> Basic Settings Tab.

2. I checked your javascript error code. Please add the correct google map api key.

And you can use following shortcode to show map as satellite view. [map center="48.85542627871159, 2.315232196728516" maptype="SATELLITE" ]

3. In CityTours, Tours have not location or district taxonomy, so you can not show tours by location.

4. "Discount price" is only for show purpose and it has not an effect on calculating price in booking.

5.  If you set available times in booking type section, maximum people will be in one time tour.

6.  Please tell me where you want to add other icons.

7. You can not add custom fields in checkout page and email content. 

Regards, Kelly

Stefano Mc Vey
6 years ago

Hello, are you there? I need urgent help to deliver the site to my customer

many thanks and regards


Stefano Mc Vey
6 years ago

one more question: how can I add fields to the [tour_checkout] form in tour checkout page and email?

I need some more fields (invoice  request and others.....)


Stefano Mc Vey commented privately
Stefano Mc Vey
6 years ago

These are data to access on wordpress :

user= c-themes

password= support-86351

These are my requests:

Hello, I have bought another licence for a new project: site name is

Now I am setting up the theme but I have encountered some issues and I ask you support in order to solve them-

1) First of all header background is transparent but I want the white background instead. I set up the change like the following image but nothing happens:

2) I put the api google map number but maps do not work yet. Also I'd like to have satellite view and modify the  +/- distance. How can I do this?

3) I have a problem with tour locations. I mean. Actually I can associate a tour to a specific tour type (example: Monuments, Transfers ...) and select for every tour some facilities. If I have some tours, each about a different city, let's say London, New York, Rome, Paris, it seems to me that there is no way to make a list by location in the menu (in fact I'd like to have all tours of New York, London, Rome... listed by city). Is that possible?

4) I've created a discounted tour:

discount is of 10%

Despite this the total calculated in the form doesn't consider the discount and put the original price (not discounted). In the form there is nothing showing that the price is discounted (and calculations are wrong)

5) In the same tour I indicated a maximum amount of 10 people so that no more than 10 can book the tour on the same date right?

but if customers book the tour (not at the same time through more sessions) they can book more of the availability of 10.

Example: 1 booking of 3 people, another one of 7 people, another more of 4 people and so on....

6) is it possible to add other icons? Or import some from my computer?
