Support for CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking Wordpress Theme

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme November 19, 2019
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Aaron Clay
3 years ago

I finally found an interesting music matching game. Friday Night Funkin is a game that not only gives us a feeling of relaxation while playing and listening to music, but also brings a sense of recovery that is really hard to find in any other game. Play to see all its fun

Terry Harton
3 years ago

It is archive page.

ultra pixel survive

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


It is impossible. It is archive page. There is not shortcode.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago


I would like to know how I can incorporate the filters section of the template "" so that it becomes part of my main page, it will be possible with a short code?

Beforehand, thanks a lot!

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago

Perfecto ya funciona muy bien!

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

I think you did not add price correctly for every tour.

Please only add number for the price. for example, 45000, 130000, etc.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago

I found a way to do it, on the page:

But when filtering for prices does not work, it always says "No available tours"

I'd appreciate your help

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago

Hello, thanks for all the information received, on this occasion I would like to request your help with information that allows me to create a page like this,

It is very important for us to provide our clients the opportunity to filter the tours.

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

If you set deposit amount as 0, customers will not pay in your website.

They will only book.

But CityTours theme has not feature to recognize when users login and added credit card.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago
Thank you for your answers. To clarify point 3, we are tour operators and we have agencies that sell our services as business partners, their payment is not immediate, they reserve and cancel later. I want to know if it is possible that using a username and password, you can make your reservations and not pay later. That is to say that it is recognized when logging in that they have credit
Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago

Gracias por sus respuestas.

Para aclarar el punto 3, somos operadores turísticos y tenemos agencias que venden nuestros servicios como socios comerciales, su pago no es inmediato, se reservan y cancelan más tarde.

Quiero saber si es posible que utilizando un nombre de usuario y contraseña, pueda hacer sus reservas y no pagar más tarde.

Es decir que se reconoce al iniciar sesión que tienen crédito

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


1. we have not Spanish translation file.

2. CityTours theme supports WooCommerce for the payment and you can use any woocommerce payment gateway in it.

Please check to integrate woocommerce.

3. I did not understand what you mean.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
5 years ago

Hello Cordial greeting,

I am from Colombia, I have acquired the theme "CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking Wordpress Theme" and I am using it in the domain, I have some concerns and I would like to have your help: 

1. Do you have the Spanish translation file that can provide it to me? I have been translating and there are many words and phrases.

2. Can I connect the Payu Latam platform "" in the payment system? This platform has a plugin for woocommerce "", but I don't know how to integrate it into your theme.

3. Can the subject be adjusted with the intention that agencies with a username and password can make their reservations, with a subsequent payment?

Excuse me my English, I hope it's easy to understand me. Thank you in advance for your collaboration and help. 



Cartagena de Indias - Bolívar - Colombia 
Móvil: (57) 316 244 8124 - 301 642 1816