Payment options and invoicing

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme December 17, 2019
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Insider Marketing
5 years ago

thanks, working

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

2. You can not add bank transfer method in Citytours theme.

3. Please use [booking_adults] and [booking_services].

Best Regards,

Insider Marketing
5 years ago

1. You can check orders in Tours -> Orders menu. And booking confirmation email will be sent even though you use woocommerce payment.

2. If you use woocommerce payment, you can use multiple woocommerce payment in it. - I meant, when you use Citytour paypal integration, only give yous paypa and credit card, how can you add bank transfer?

3. You can edit email content in theme options panel. Please check

- what's the code for audlts? child and additional services so it can be added, what's the actual code? e.g. [adult] would work?

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


1. You can check orders in Tours -> Orders menu. And booking confirmation email will be sent even though you use woocommerce payment.

2. If you use woocommerce payment, you can use multiple woocommerce payment in it.

3. You can edit email content in theme options panel. Please check

Best Regards,

Insider Marketing
5 years ago


have questions around PayPal integration and Woocommerce payment and invoicing.

1. If I use woocommerce payment, how can I send Booking Confirmation Email to customers and admin notification? and orders only show under woocommerce > orders not Tours > orders?

2. If I use PayPal integration, how can I add an extra option for Bank transfer to show bank details on the checkout tour page?

3. in Booking Confirmation Email Description, how can I show Adult / child breakdowns? is there a full list of codes that I can use in the email? like adults, child, additional services