how to change tour sidebars

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme January 10, 2020
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


You can not select special tours in tours widget.

Best Regards,

Ashok Kumar
5 years ago
  • How do we select the specific tour type? or
  • How do we select the specific tour of particular destination? For eg. we 5 packages of Dubai, but want to show a particular package rather than all. 
  • How can we pick a single package from different categories?
Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

It was made by widget.

You can put your widget instead of it.

Best Regards,

Ashok Kumar
5 years ago

In Tour Sidebar, can we customize the last minutes deal option? We have national & international packages. Internation Tours should have international hot deals and national tours should have national hot deals or as per our choice.