All tours (grid or list)

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme January 16, 2020
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

It is session issue.

If you visit it now, you will see the currency in safari.

Best Regards,

Vlad Svidlo
5 years ago

Hi Kelly, 

thanks for the response, it helped!  The next question:

the currency symbols in tours are not showing in Safari. In Chrome it works well. Any suggestion?

May be a plugin to try? 

Thanks, Vlad

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


It is not any special page. It is archive page. Please visit

Then you will see all tours page.

Best Regards,

Vlad Svidlo
5 years ago

Hi, I've purchased the theme, and I can't find the All tours (list or grid) pages.

this one:

I've done the import of the content several times but there are no such pages and the menu link redirects to the 3rd party website

please advise