PHP fatal error

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme December 07, 2018
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please confirm you activated metabox plugin in your website.

If yes, please give me your website url and admin credentials and ftp information.

Regards,  C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hi Kelly,
I have the following problem since yesterday we are not able to edit pages:

*Notice*: Use of undefined constant RWMB_JS_URL - assumed
line *163*

*Notice*: Use of undefined constant RWMB_VER - assumed 'RWMB_VER' in
line *163*

*Fatal error*: Uncaught Error: Class 'RWMB_Date_Field' not found in
Stack trace: #0 /home/rilamona/
ct_metabox_admin_enqueue_scripts('post.php') #1 /home/rilamona/
WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /home/rilamona/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3
do_action('admin_enqueue_s...', 'post.php') #4 /home/rilamona/
require_once('/home/rilamona/...') #5 /home/rilamona/ include('/home/rilamona/...') #6
{main} thrown in
line *165*
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Thank you for the information.

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


You can not change order in home page. It uses shortcode and there is not order option.

And as you can see in there are sort by price and sort by rate feature.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hi Kelly,
Yes. Thank you very much pagination works well. I have 2 quick questions:
- can I cahnge the order of the tours on Home page -
- can I change the order on the tours list -
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

I did it. For now pagination works well.


Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Kelly ,
I have now this answer:

This is because the server works with FastCGI, and it does not support old
and deprecated. You can replace them as follows and everything will be OK:


to become:


Can you do that?
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


I am saying about pagination issue.

Following PHP code returns NULL.

filter_input( INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI' );

It is because of Server configuration and pagination is not working well because of it.

Please contact hosting server provider about it.

And I can not understand your 2nd question.

"Can I ask you also why was Google not able to detect the different web-site categories (I need them for dynamic adwords dynamic advertising)?"

Please tell me more details about it.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hello Kelly,
Could you let me know the page you had this error from? Hosting replied
they don't get this error message.
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hello, I guess this is related to Google categories or?
How about page sequence - it has not been fixed yet, I have given you
credentials a week ago.

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

I got message from your website and I thought it was spam.

I checked your website and I found following php code is not working in your website.

filter_input( INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI' )

Please contact your hosting server provide about this issue. They can fix this issue configuring server settings.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hi Kelly,
I can see that the page sequence is not yet fixed, I am sure you will get
there soon. Can I ask you also why was Google not able to detect the
different web-site categories (I need them for dynamic adwords dynamic

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

5 years ago

Hi kelly,

This notice confirms that your password was changed on

If you did not change your password, please contact the Site Administrator at

This email has been sent to

All at

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hi Kelly,
Credentials are as follows:
user: kelly
Pass: VzU!F7C3j*7jR$c5ux46KwP4

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please give me your website url and admin credentials and ftp information.

Let me check your website.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hello Kelly,
I found a small but embarassing bug which I do not know how to fix. On the actually you are not able to go back
to because the link on Page 1 /under
the tours there are page numbers and Previus - Next buttons/ points to Page
2 again...
Please let me know if you understand the problem, I will try to expalain
[image: image.png]
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


After installed Yoast SEO plugin, you can put meta data in edit page and edit post, etc.

And you can duplicate posts, tours, hotels using post duplicator plugin.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hello Kelly,
I am afraid the screen is different for me (see below) and I am afraid Meta
Box has nor been well installed somehow.
Also another question - is it possible to duplicate a page (for example a
tour page) instead of creating every time a new one?

[image: image.png]
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


You can edit meta data in page edit.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hello Kelly,
I had it already installed I think - see print screen
[image: image.png]
I still do not know where to put the meta data.

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please use Yoast SEO plugin to add meta data.

And I checked your website.

I can see price in usd and bgn currency.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
5 years ago

Hi Kelly,
Could you please let me know where can I add meta data for each page
(description and keywords)?
Also I just noticed all the other than Euro currencies show 0 now, it used
to calculate all the prices of the tours in the respective currency.
Thank you
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


I can get following issue from paypal now.

Error code is  PayPal Pro Error: ID 10002 and you can check the issue in

Please confirm your paypal api keys are correct.

And I can not login your website now.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
6 years ago

I appreciate. Paypal not responding still. Could you check before I change

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


I updated theme files and cart page is working well now.

Please check again.

And it is public message, you should change cpanel information and website admin credentials.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
6 years ago

Hello Kelly,

We are not able to update the theme ourslevs because we might loose info.
Please feel free to access our cPanel and update the theme /
user: rilamona
pass: 1bdb1a1bdb1a

If you wish then to access the admin, I created an admin user for you:
user: kelly
pass: kelly 123
Thank you in advance

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

6 years ago

Username: kelly

To set your password, visit the following address:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. Please update CityTours theme to the latest version. You can download latest version from themeforest and replace the them with latest version in your website.

We fixed it in several days ago.

2. , 3 Please confirm your api key is correct and you set currency code correctly. Currency code should be acceptable in paypal such as USD, EUR, etc. You can add currencies in Currencies menu. After added currencies, you should set available currencies and default currency in theme options panel.

If you did them correctly, but have the same error, please send me your website url and admin credentials.

Let me check your website. Please note you should update the theme to the latest version.

Regards, C-Themes

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
6 years ago

Dear Kelly,
We thank you so much for the info, we made it work now.
I hav enow a couple of other issues with booking and payment process:
1. The add options/services do not sum up in the total for payment when I
update the cart:
2. PayPal payment is not responding
3. Credit card payment is not responding either.
[image: image.png]
I have input our PayPal API but there must be some other settings not
properly done?

Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


It is not special page. It is archive page and you can visit it in

And you can set some settings for this page in theme options panel.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
6 years ago

Thank you very much. It works perfect now. I have now this question: I
imported your theme site and started working on it. However, I do not seem
to have all pages. For example:
I have this page:
But I do not have this page:
or this one:
Could you help me?
Best regards,
Victor Kostov

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You did not install metabox plugin in your website.  Metabox plugin is a required plugin in CityTours theme and you can install all the required plugins in CityTours -> Tools menu or Appearance -> Install Plugins menu.

Regards, C-Themes

Victor Kostov
6 years ago

When I try to add or edit a page, I get this message:

Notice: Use of undefined constant RWMB_JS_URL - assumed 'RWMB_JS_URL' in /home/rilamona/ on line 163

Notice: Use of undefined constant RWMB_VER - assumed 'RWMB_VER' in /home/rilamona/ on line 163

Fatal error: Class 'RWMB_Date_Field' not found in /home/rilamona/ on line 165