There is a problem while in Tour List Page

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme December 15, 2018
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


If you have any other problem with our theme, please create another ticket.

We will close this ticket.

Regards, C-Themes

Roberto Medrano
6 years ago

Got it, Thanks again.

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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

If you changed theme files, please check readme.txt file in theme package.

It is file change log in every version.

If you did not edited theme files, please replace the citytours theme with latest version.

Regards, C-Themes

Roberto Medrano
6 years ago

Thanks a lot four your help Ill do both fixing. About instaling the updated theme do I have to replace the translation language file on the theme? How should I install the update withouth loosing content and or any customization?

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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


I found the pagination issue.

It is because of .htaccess problem. Please create a default .htaccess file for wordpress and try again.

Or if you don't want to change .htaccess file, please replace /archive-tour.php file with attachment.

And about the cart page issue, please update the citytours theme with latest version.

We fixed it in several days ago.

Regards, C-Themes

Roberto Medrano
6 years ago

Hi, Kelly thank you fur answerd, here are your credentials:

Site credentials
User Kelly
psassword EGnJ*9WgN##JzH0VL4hwvG8h

ftp credentials
FTP Username:
FTP Server:
FTP & explicit FTPS port: 21

ftp password 26458679

Attach find the Ftp account configuration file.

When conecct to the site by ftp the root its /public_html/ Will find wp-content, admin and includes folders for the domain.

Please check another issue when Booking a tour if you make change example amount adults or add childs or add an extra product and them press update the page return with no change within the old total and show the booking button and in nextt page the total shows correct. I see others people doing the same comment on the theme site . It can be a problema when a client try to purchase a tour cause they Will not see the correct total after update and clientcan just go away to another site means I can lose the sale for the tour so Please check that also.

Thanks again.

Enviado desde Correo para Windows 10

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Please send me your website admin credentials and ftp information.

Let me check your website.

Regards, C-Themes

Roberto Medrano
6 years ago

Good morning there. I have a problem on my site you can see it  in there I have many tours and are showed on to pages, when you pres next page buton or you pres 2 it gos to the secon page but if you want to come back to the page 1 or press back buton it's remain in the second page no mather how many times you press back. It happens also on mobile.