URGENT: [accommodation_booking] page does not open for edit in the backend.

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme January 08, 2019
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preyasi saini
2 years ago

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Lucy Kelly
2 years ago

Children always love to play games, but which is the right choice? A great suggestion for everyone who is interested in drift hunters is a driving game that has many valuable and extremely powerful properties that make it stand out above all. A great choice for your child

ICE man
2 years ago

Where to Buy CSGO Prime Accounts?.

Buy CSGO Prime Account online for an affordable price and start your quality CSGO career. This gives you an excellent possibility of moving ahead in the game. You can select accounts that are at different ranks, that have miscellaneous kinds of skin, those with the most success ratio, and substantially more. It is very much like glancing for your patronage CSGO Service Medal account.

You can get the new accounts as per your choice, and once you finalize the account, you will be encouraged to make the payment by sending the account details to your email id. It is 100% safe and secure. Once you make the payment, your gaming career will start in Counter-Strike, and you will reach a new higher level.

Firstly, A Prime ranked Account of CSGO is one that has already completed hours of play. It is the one that has covered so much activity and surpassed a long winning streak. Secondly, all you need to do is buy the account from our marketplace and start gaming.

The conclusion is that buying a csgo ranked account will save a lot of time and lots of energy. You will also get the higher rank teammates who are like experienced players, and playing along with them makes the day perfect. So, For this, you need to spend a few dollars and grab a CSGO that will help you cross all those hackers and cheaters and help you play the game with a lot of enjoyment & Fair.



ICE man
3 years ago

Where to Buy CSGO Prime Accounts?.

Buy CSGO Prime Account online for an affordable price and start your quality CSGO career. This gives you an excellent possibility of moving ahead in the game. You can select accounts that are at different ranks, that have miscellaneous kinds of skin, those with the most success ratio, and substantially more. It is very much like glancing for your patronage CSGO Service Medal account.

You can get the new accounts as per your choice, and once you finalize the account, you will be encouraged to make the payment by sending the account details to your email id. It is 100% safe and secure. Once you make the payment, your gaming career will start in Counter-Strike, and you will reach a new higher level.

Firstly, A Prime ranked Account of CSGO is one that has already completed hours of play. It is the one that has covered so much activity and surpassed a long winning streak. Secondly, all you need to do is buy the account from our marketplace and start gaming.

The conclusion is that buying a csgo ranked account will save a lot of time and lots of energy. You will also get the higher rank teammates who are like experienced players, and playing along with them makes the day perfect. So, For this, you need to spend a few dollars and grab a CSGO that will help you cross all those hackers and cheaters and help you play the game with a lot of enjoyment & Fair.

ICE man
3 years ago

Where to Buy CSGO Prime Accounts?.

Buy CSGO Prime Account online for an affordable price and start your quality CSGO career. This gives you an excellent possibility of moving ahead in the game. You can select accounts that are at different ranks, that have miscellaneous kinds of skin, those with the most success ratio, and substantially more. It is very much like glancing for your patronage CSGO Service Medal account.

You can get the new accounts as per your choice, and once you finalize the account, you will be encouraged to make the payment by sending the account details to your email id. It is 100% safe and secure. Once you make the payment, your gaming career will start in Counter-Strike, and you will reach a new higher level.

Firstly, A Prime ranked Account of CSGO is one that has already completed hours of play. It is the one that has covered so much activity and surpassed a long winning streak. Secondly, all you need to do is buy the account from our marketplace and start gaming.

The conclusion is that buying a csgo ranked account will save a lot of time and lots of energy. You will also get the higher rank teammates who are like experienced players, and playing along with them makes the day perfect. So, For this, you need to spend a few dollars and grab a CSGO that will help you cross all those hackers and cheaters and help you play the game with a lot of enjoyment & Fair.


Jason Gordon
3 years ago

You can make a video about it for tiktok. I advise you to buy tiktok likes for your video so more people can watch it and someone will help you.

preyasi saini
3 years ago

The motive of providing accounts of all ranges on our platform is to give customers what they demand and what they deserve.<br>
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. We will fix it in the future.

2. You can install classic editor and use it. 

3. Do you want to change accommodation booking page and accommodation booking confirmation page?

For now, you can not edit it, but you can delete those pages and create another pages in your website. 

And add [accommodation_booking] and [accommodation_booking_confirmation] shortcode in those pages and set them in theme options panel.

Regards, C-Themes

Flemming Handberg
6 years ago

Hi Support

Thank you for the quick reply

So there is a bug :-(

I did expect it was the gutenberg theme, as we are using the WP Bakery as
text editor, then i dont need the gutenberg editor.

1. will you fix this bug in a future release ?

2. i have found a plugin that disables the gutenberg editor - can you
recommend that ?

3. you can get my credentials, but this is a live site and it is working
and we made changes to the theme, so do not install anything, but please
let me install any changes. These 2 pages are set in the theme, but i
wanted to change something in the headlines etc. so please tell me what
you wanted to check ?

Kind Regards

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


After you added those shortcode, you can not edit those pages anymore in wordpress version 5.0

Those pages can not be visited directly in frontend because of security reason and in wordpress 5.0, those pages can not be opend in backend, too because of gutenberg editor.

But you can set those pages in theme options panel and it will work well.

If not, please give me your website url and admin credentials.

Let me check your website. Regards, C-Themes

Flemming Handberg
6 years ago


There is a problem with the a[accommodation_booking] and the [accommodation_booking_confirmation] variables. 

whenever they are insertied into a site, the site is not able to edit any more. 

i do this. 

1. Create a new page. 

2. Enter various text - if i save this page and come back to that page i press EDIT in the pages as i usually do, that of course works. 

3. Whenever i insert this code into any page [accommodation_booking], then i can not edit the page any more. - when i edit the page, wordpress shown me the website (not the backend but the home page of the site)

you write this in the documentation:

Accommodation Booking Page - You can create a blank page and simply add shortcode [accommodation_booking]. After publishing this page set this as Accommodation Booking Page on Theme Options/Accommodation.

Accommodation Booking Confirmation Page - You can create a blank page and simply add shortcode [accommodation_booking_confirmation]. After publishing this page set this as Accommodation Booking Confirmation Page on Theme Options/Accommodation.

but that does not work.

i fear its after updating to wp5 and this gutenberg editor that caused the problem

