Need to edit main Search Form

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme March 05, 2020
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Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

1. Please replace /wp-content/themes/Travelo/inc/functions/shortcode/shortcodes.php file with attachment.

2. Travelo theme is translation ready. You can use language file to change "Tours" to "Activities" using language file.

Please check

3. You can not add a new tab in search form. Travelo theme has not such feature.

Best Regards,

William Ferguson
4 years ago

1. Need to change order of search tabs on main search form (homepage 10) from Hotels, Tours, Cars, Cruise,        Flights to Hotels, Flights, Cars, Tours, Cruise

2. Need to change "Tours" to "Activities"

2. Need to add another search form tab,  "Itineraries"