Integrate WooComerce

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme January 15, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

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Daria Afanaskina
6 years ago

How can we devolve this theme, it is does not serve to us, because does not work good with Woocomerce?

Daria Afanaskina
6 years ago

Hello Kelly,

1. Made as you told

 "Please copy /templates/template-full-width.php file to /templates folder in your child theme and edit it."

but it show me a blank page?!

2. I need do put on home page woocomerce products by category, right now I understand that it is not woocomerce theme, but I already baught it and I like it, how can I do this?

My website url is:

Thank you, Daria.

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You can use WooCommerce in CityTours theme, but CityTours theme is not woocommerce theme, so there is not premade templates or styles.

1. You can not use tour columns style in woocommere product. You should use css to change style. Can you give me your website url? Then I will check your website.

2. YOu can use woocommerce payment in CityTours theme. Please check

3. Please copy /templates/template-full-width.php file to /templates folder in your child theme and edit it.

Regards, C-Themes

Daria Afanaskina
6 years ago

Hello C-Themes Team,

I bought CityTour theme 3 days ago, it is beautiful, but I will need to integrate woocommerce plugin for future affilate program intagration.
1. I need to post WooCommerce "Product by Category" on Home Page:
tried to do this by post WPBakery element but it is posted as owl.carousel class and not visible, after I changed owl.carousel css to display:flex it is showing on page, but not responsible and bootstrap do not working. I need simple 4-columns grid of Products as Tours on Home Page have. How can I do this? Can I use css styles of Tours columns?
2. How to switch off your payment functionality and live just woocomerce payment? Because I will need a custom fields in order purchase.
3. How to make template of Home Page in Child Theme? I tried to add templates folder with Home Page template in child theme but it is showing blank page. Do I have to edit main theme template and is it safe after the future theme updates?

Thank you, Daria.