Extra Services

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme March 18, 2020
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Monica Alps
1 year ago

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Juan Castano
3 years ago

It is difficult to do it.

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Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


We can close this ticket. 

I find a way to do it.

thank you

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


But is possible, right?

I will request to a external company to do it.

Thank you

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

It is difficult to do it.

Best Regards,

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


That was not my question! 

My question is if is possible to do it by coding/programming? 

Thank you!

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Unfortunately, customization is out of support service.

Best Regards,

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


Is possible to do it by coding/programming?

Thank you 

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


As I said before, you used woocommerce payment in your website.

So it can not be shown in thank you page.

Instead all the information is sent to customers in confirmation email.

Best Regards,

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


Thank you for your reply.

My question and my concern is that on check-out page, customer is paying and don´t have the information about the extra services that is paying.

Is important that at the moment of payment to show all the services/bookings that customer is paying, otherwise customer may think that didn´t selected.

In fact, companies can be fined for hiding this and already happened in my country.

Is there a way to fix this and export the information to the cart such as the people number?

Look forward for your reply.

Thank you

Alexandre Silva

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


Extra services are not shown in woocommerce cart page and check out page.

Instead extra service information is sent in booking confirmation email.

It is sent by CityTours theme. You can config booking confirmation email in theme options panel.

If you do not receive booking confirmation email from your website, please install WP Mail SMTP plugin and config it.


Best Regards,

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


Thank you.

I mean, the ADD SERVICES/OPTIONS do not show on the CART in the CHECK-out and in the email order. 

When customer select the ADD SERVICES it just update the price, but in the end, customer do not know if is paying or not for the ADD SERVICES.

Also, when customer receive the payment email from woocommerce, only receive the booking with tour name, without ADD SERVICES, passengers No. and tour date. 

Please see:

Booking ADD SERVICES : https://prnt.sc/riwrkq

CART PAGE: http://prnt.sc/riwrun

CHECK-OUT: http://prnt.sc/riws22

Woocommerce email ORDER: http://prnt.sc/riwubr

The website is www.ontravelazores.com

Look forward for your reply.

Thank you

Alexandre Silva

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

You can show extra service information in email notification.

Please use [booking_services] variable in email content.


Best Regards,

Alexandre Silva
4 years ago


When customer choose any extra service to any booking, it doesn't export the description to the cart or even to email.

It just add the amount. Customers don´t know exactly what is paying.

Is this normal, or exist some way to export the description to cart? 

Thank you for your help.

Alexandre Silva