Unfortunately, in modern demo, accommodation does not show star rate.
It only shows in classic version.
Best regards,
Hi Kelly. I'm sorry for not making myself clearer. When I add a new hotel there's an item where i can rate the hotel. Not the rates that comes out of reviews, the rate a Hotel usually has (1 to 5 stars). But this rate is not visible in the website (at least I don't find it). How can I make this rate visible? I already deleted my custom css code .Thanks for all.
URL: http://turismo.sadop.org/accommodation/hotel-baron-del-1000/
I am not clear for your issue.
So do you want to add star rate filter in sidebar in accommodation search page?
Or what do you want? Please give me exact page url and screenshot, so I can understand your issue.
Best regards,
Still the same.
I think I need what the attachment says
Best regards,
Please remove you added css code and try again.
Best regards,
Good! The review stars are hidden, but I can't see where the hotel stars appear.
When I add a hotel, one of the items to complete is hotel star rating, but it is not seen on the web. (attached image)
Thanks again!
Please use following css code to hide review.
.feedback{ display: none; }
It is difficult to hide all the reviews using one css code.
And you can not remove booking no and pin code in review form.
Best regards,
Thanks! It's works!
Two more quiestions please:
1) ".five-stars-container" show hotel stars or review stars?
I need to remove the review stars and show the hotel stars. I already hid the stars from reviews using custom css, now I need to show the hotel stars
2) How to remove “Booking Number” and "Pin Code" mandatory from the review form.
Please use following css code to hide footer.
.main-footer { display: none; }
Best regards,
Please give me your website url.
Let me check your website.
}I need to reduce the height of the footer or remove the footer because I just need to add the web copyright text and there is a lot of space left.
I tried adding custom css (#footer {height: 10px! important; }, in theme options panel Styling Options -> Custom CSS, but did not work.
Thanks and sorry for my english
Unfortunately, Travelo theme has not another way to fix it.
Please give me your website url.
And let me know more details about your requirement.
Let me check.
Best regards,
Hi, I used custom css in theme options panel Styling Options -> Custom CSS & JS to change height of footer like following. #footer { height: 10px !important; } but it does not work. so I thought maybe there was another way to do it besides custom CSS
There is not any option to reduce height of the footer.
Please use css to change height.
Best Regards,
Hi! quick
question this time:
Can I reduce the height of the footer? since I only need to put the credits there and I have a lot of space and aesthetically it does not look good.
ok i figured it out I will do it without hotel stars since I want to use the modern version since otherwise my website will look 20 years behind. Thanks anyway.