thumbnail image in blog list page.

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme January 18, 2019
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HyunKi Kim
6 years ago

thank you.


Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Then please confirm your image height is bigger than 400px.

Regards, C-Themes

HyunKi Kim
6 years ago

I mean.. there seems to be a problem with thumbnail cropping.. or not cropping..

so all feature image look distorted on blog list & sidebar list.

please compare attached file. 

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Panagea theme shows full size image for posts.

If you want to crop it, please do following.

Please find following code in /functions.php file.

add_image_size( 'panagea-slider-thumb', 280, 140, true );

And add following code under it.

add_image_size( 'panagea-post-thumb', 280, 140, true );

btw, 280 and 140 are image size, so you should change them.

for example add_image_size( 'panagea-post-thumb', 500, 400, true );

And edit /templates/loop-blog.php file.

You can find following code.

<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'full' ); ?>

replace it to following

<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'panagea-post-thumb' ); ?>

After that, please install Regenerate Thumbnails plugin and regenerate all the image thumbnails.

Regards, C-Themes

HyunKi Kim
6 years ago

hi there!

thumbnail image was distorted because it was not a ratio crop. How do I crop an feature image based on the thumbnail ratio?

  • pic 1 - original photo (ratio 3x2)
  • pic 2 - distorted thumbnails in blog list

please check it and how can i fix it.

thank you