I want to change the background, comments and wish list

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme April 01, 2020
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Bryan C. Ruffin
1 year ago

cookie clicker It's too late to catch this act now. At the very least, it is important to be aware of the fact that such occurrences do in fact take place. I agree with what you've said on your blog, and I want to visit it again in the near future to look at it in more detail, so I ask that you keep up the good work.

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Please check http://prntscr.com/rukrui

You should set aqua color in theme options panel, first.

Best Regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


As I said in last message, there is not option to change the color except those 4 colors.

Please change color in /wp-content/themes/citytours/css/color-aqua.css and color-aqua.min.css files.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
4 years ago
I appreciate your collaboration, Could you please give me a link where you can see how to change the color by CSS?
Edinson Castilla Barcos
4 years ago

Agradezco tu colaboración

¿Podría darme un enlace donde pueda ver cómo cambiar el color mediante CSS?

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


CityTours theme has not option to change colors except those 4 colors.

Instead you can use custom css code to change colors.

CityTours theme has not option to sort images in gallery.

Best Regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
4 years ago

Hello, sorry for my English (Google translate)

The City Tours theme, how many with 4 defined colors, how can I use a color other than those?

I have problems using the wordpress gallery, the images are distorted. 

Thanks for your support

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


I am not clear about your question.

I hope you give me details.

Best regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
4 years ago

Thank you very much, for responding

I have one more question, How can I define a custom color, apart from those defined in the theme options. 

Thank you for your support

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


1. Please use following css code in theme options panel.

footer {

    background: #333 url(../img/pattern.png) repeat 0 0;


2. Do you say review section?

You can disable it in theme options panel. http://prntscr.com/rrew71

3. You can do it in theme options panel.



Best regards,

Edinson Castilla Barcos
4 years ago

Hello, please I need help to:

1. Modify the background in the footer, I can't find the option in the theme, it could tell me how to do it in CSS.

2. Disable comments on tours.

3. Deactivate the wish list button

Thank you in advance.