Hello Dear Kelly,
I'd like to thank you for all the replies so far. I have a new issue regarding editing the pages.
Until now I always edited the demo version pages of the theme that I uploaded to my wordpress account. Of the tours of the cars of the hotels etc. But for some reason I cant find the listing page of the tours that I post on the page.
I uploaded a screenshot and marked the important parts on the red for you to figure out the issue.
My domain is www.touradvisorturkey.com , when i try to edit www.touradvisorturkey.com/tour page to change the headline of PARIS TOURS or index of the page,(simply because I don't promote PARIS TOURS)
I can't find the "edit page" button or when I look at the pages posted by admin on my dashboard, I can't find " /tour " url to edit the listing of the tours.
How can I access the www.touradvisorturkey.com/tour URL on my dashboard to edit that page, header image, etc??
Thanks in advance.
I did not understand your first issue. Please let me know clearly.
And you can edit headline in theme options panel. Please check http://prntscr.com/s03pvz
It is not special page.
Best regards,