I want to change from "/per person" to "/per night" in hotel page(add image)

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme January 25, 2019
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os kim
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Panagea theme is translation ready. Please use language file to change "per person" to "per night".


Regards, C-Themes

HyunKi Kim
6 years ago

안녕하세요. 같은 kim씨라, 반가워서 대신 댓글 드립니다.

single-hotel.php 열어서.. 아래 열의 person을 찾은 뒤, Night로 바꾸면 되더라구요.

<span><?php echo panagea_price( $person_price ) ?> <small><?php echo esc_html__( 'person', 'panagea' ) ?></small></span>

호텔페이지랑 투어페이지는 달라서, 투어페이지에는 영향을 안 줍니다.

os kim
6 years ago

I changed "/per person" to "/per night" on the hotel list page (hotel-grid.php). However, the "/per person" in the payment column does not change when you enter a hotel product. I want to change this to "/per night."(image "11"  / I hope this setting affects only the hotel pages. )