Suggestion about blog post

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme May 05, 2020
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Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion.

Best regards,

David Ungo de Velasco
3 years ago


I suggest you create a new "blog permalink" for all post we will publish.

Now we have next case:

- tour permalink: "viajes" for "https://miwebsite/viajes/"

- hotel permalink: "hotels" for "https://miwebsite/hotels/"

In this case I only have with permalink for our post next structure "https://miwebsite/%postname%/", and this is not the best structure for the post. I want to set up our post like "https://miwebsite/blog/%postname%/" but now we can do it.

If I do set up with permalink "blog" or our post, then it is automatically changing the travel permalink to "https://miwebsite/blog/viajes/" or "https://miwebsite/blog/hotels/" for example.

My suggestion is that you set up option for "blog permalink" throught Option Themes.

Kind regards,