Changing names on post types

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme May 15, 2020
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joe kiragu
4 years ago

Thank you for this .. 

I've found another way to work around it if I can add the DISTRICT custom taxonomy to Tours and Cars. Please let me know if this is possible and how to go about doing it.

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


You can change or translate text in the theme using language file. CityTours theme is translation ready.

Please check

Or you can use Loco Translate plugin.

And you can not add Food and attractions in CityTours theme.

Best regards,

Joe Peppih Kiragu
4 years ago

I would like to know how to make the following changes to the CityTours wordpress theme.

Changing the following post type names



TOURS -> stays the same

Then if you could add for me

FOOD (With same attributes as HOTEL)

ATTRACTIONS (With same attributes as TOURS)

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