I want to add a custom font

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme January 31, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You can add it using custom css code in edit page or edit post.


Regards, C-Themes

Ali hassan
6 years ago

so how could we add list style can you please explain


Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

Yes. If you want to change fonts of special texts or elements, please use custom css code in theme options panel.


And in Travelo theme, list style is not working. We removed it.

Regards, C-Themes

Ali hassan
6 years ago
There is another error which I am not able to sort out
Whenever I add bullets the bullets are not shown in the preview 
for the time being, I used 2 bullets together so that they appeared.

Ali hassan
6 years ago

This means 
every heading, every Paragraph is in ROBOTO ?

Am i right?

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You can not set roboto font in backend.

You added font in css file, so if you check your website frontend, you  can see font was changed to Roboto.

Regards, C-Themes

Ali hassan
6 years ago
After adding this code i also remove cache but still no change occour
Ali hassan
6 years ago

I  did this but did n't get any New font on any page

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Please put following css code in /css/custom.css file. And must put them at first line of the custom.css file.

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,100i,300,300i,400,400i,500,500i,700,700i,900,900i);

body { font-family: Roboto;}

Regards, C-Themes

Ali hassan
6 years ago

How can i add a custom font in my theme? I want to add roboto fonts with all sizes.