control of capacity in visits

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme February 05, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


You can set maximum people for tour in tour edit and when customers book a tour, tour availability will be checked based on  maximum people.

But can not show how many peoples are available in tour page.

Regards, C-Themes

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Hi! We are currently on vacation and we might not be able to respond to your requests before we come back.  Regards, C-Themes Support Team
Miguel Peon Alonso
6 years ago
Good afternoon,I have a question about how to control the capacity in each of the visits.I've already seen that you can limit the visit. However, when you have made some reservations in a visit or there are few places on the page of that tour does not specify how many places are free. Would it be possible for this information to appear when doing cyclone on the calendar on a specific day?