h1 header pages doesn't show

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme February 08, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please let him create another ticket with purchase code.

Then we will support him.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
5 years ago

Can you reply to samuelffigueiredo@gmail.com?

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quarta, 8/05/2019 à(s) 02:33:

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

And you can create another account to get our support.

Regards, C-Themes

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please tell me what issue you have with Panagea theme.

We will do our best to help you.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
5 years ago

Hello Kelly

I am no longer managing this project, now the person who is with this
project is Samuel.
Can you please give support to samuelffigueiredo@gmail.com?

tksAna Costa

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quinta, 14/03/2019 à(s) 08:23:

5 years ago

Dear Sirs,

Can you please reply to this email?

Best Regards,
Samuel Figueiredo

5 years ago

Dear Sirs,

Im the responsible for the project C'Mon Tours. This year we just bought a
Panagea template to create our website.
In middle of March the person in contact with you left this project. But
now we need your support to continue the website development.

website: www.cmontours.pt/wp

Until the moment the Person in contact was: Ana Costa, email:

How can we changeover the person in contact?

My best regards,
Samuel Figueiredo

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

It's working now.

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quarta, 13/03/2019 à(s) 08:32:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Theme options panel is working well now. I fixed issue.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

and about this situation?
I can not edit theme options...stopped working

I do not know what happened, but I lost a lot of what I had done

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia terça, 12/03/2019 à(s) 07:09:

Kelly R Support Agent commented privately
Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

1. Please delete browser cache and visit your website again. I tested your website and I can see "2018 panagea" was removed in mobile menu.

2. Please check http://prntscr.com/mwns7i I logged in your website cpanel, but I can not visit it again. Please contact hosting server provoider about this issue and footer icon issue, too. Those files are located in correct path, but can not access them in browser. So it is not wordpress theme issue. Please contact hosting server provider about this issue.

It may have access restriction, etc in server.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

can you try via cpanel:

and then you have to go to the footer plugins > wordpress > admin

I already done what you told me in the last email, but still everything the
same :(


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia segunda, 11/03/2019 à(s) 09:41:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. I can not login your website, please confirm your login information.

So I can not check your website backend.

And I recommend you disable all the plugins except the plugins that panagea theme requires and test again.

2. Please replace /js/main.js, /js/main.min.js, /languges/panagea.pot and /inc/functions/template-functions.php file with attachments. and then you can use language file to translate "© 2018 Panagea"

Or you can remove it in /template-functions.php file.

3. Panagea theme has not feature to order tours in tours shortcode.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

hello kelly!

this is not a problem of my hosting server, this is a theme problem, I was
doing tests and the icons that do not appear are those of pack 4,
http://ansonika.com/panagea/icon-pack-4.html , I put in the widget via code
html icons from another pack and it worked, as you can see here:

please try width this:


and now it happens another problem* I can not access theme options
(themeoptions.jpg),* and I had lots of css there that I need to see and

I need to solve these problems with the utmost brevity, I have to put the
website online this week and I have the client to press me a lot, I really
need your help!!!

*and please do not forget the questions of the previous email:*
2- Can you remove the "2018 panagea" in the mobile menu?(mobile.jpg)
3 - Can I order this area?(tours.jpg)

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia sábado, 9/03/2019 à(s) 08:45:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


I can not login your website with following credentials.




And I checked theme files via ftp and I found some files in Panagea theme can not be accessed in browser.

Please contact hosting server about this issue.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago



Nome de utilizador: cmontour
Pass: n5m5vMT5f2

FTP Hostname: cmontours.pt
Webpage URL: http://www.cmontours.pt


2- Can you remove the "2018 panagea" in the mobile menu?(mobile.jpg)
3 - Can I order this area?(tours.jpg)


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia sexta, 8/03/2019 à(s) 03:04:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. Please give me your website url and admin credentials and ftp information.

Let me check your website for the issue.

2. You can put icon class in wpbakery element. You can find icon class in http://ansonika.com/panagea/icon-pack-1.html



Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

I already tried but did not work :(

2- I want to put a custom icon in this group, how can I do it?(icons.jpg)

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quinta, 7/03/2019 à(s) 01:18:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

Please replace _styles.scss file via ftp.

It will be /wp-content/themes/panagea/scss/theme/_styles.scss

After replaced, please save theme options panel in admin.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

can you explain better this point?

4. Please replace /scss/theme/_style.scss file with attached and save theme
options panel. and then try again.

*I replace via FTP or theme options (where)? *

if should be via ftp please give me the entire path.


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quarta, 6/03/2019 à(s) 00:27:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. I checked your website, Please confirm there are themify.woff and themify.ttf file in panagea theme.

It should be in /css/icon_fonts/font directory.

2. It is difficult to fix it. Panagea theme has not feature to sort gallery images.

4. Please replace /scss/theme/_style.scss file with attached and save theme options panel. and then try again.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

hello kelly,

Why you can not see my website

*1 *-I send you a printscreen with a hidden icons in the footer(home.jpg)
for you see the problem.
2- In gallery doens't make sense to show the last image first, how can we
solve this?
3- ok.
4- Ok, I kwon I have the booking form in the bottom of the page, but as you
can see in the print screen, I was referring to the link "booking" instead


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia terça, 5/03/2019 à(s) 02:25:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. We can not visit your website. https://cmontours.pt/wp/tour/cmon-walk-with-us-in-santa-rita-and-maceira-half-day-tour/

Please confirm your website link is correct.

2. Image gallery shows laster image first. It is not issue. We have not option to sort gallery image.

3. Panagea theme has not option to share your website to instagram.

4. You can see booking form in bottom of the page in mobile.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

In mobile version, in android I have detected the following error. in
landscape version the booking link desapear.

Ana Costa escreveu no dia segunda, 4/03/2019 à(s)

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

How can i include instagram share here?

Ana Costa escreveu no dia segunda, 4/03/2019 à(s)

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

You can check in this url:

*and I check another bug in gallery tour page:*
the image start always in the last photo, why?I want to start in the first

[image: image.png]

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia segunda, 4/03/2019 à(s) 10:49:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. Please send me your website url. Let me check the issue.

2. You can find icon classes in following url.




Regards, c-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

Hello, some more doubts...

*BUG1* : the footer icons do not appear !?
*Bug2*: I want to change the icons in a general bottom content, Where can I
see the other icons and their classes?

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quinta, 28/02/2019 à(s) 15:39:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


Please remove following codes in /single-tour.php file.

<?php if ( ! empty( $tour_pos ) ) : ?>

        <h3><?php echo esc_html__( 'Location', 'panagea' ); ?></h3>
        <div id="map" class="map map_single add_bottom_30"></div>
        <!-- End Map -->
       <?php endif; ?>

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago


I want to hide the title "Location"


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia segunda, 18/02/2019 à(s) 02:22:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


At first, please check what contact form you used in tour page.

And then please edit the contact form in Contact -> Contact Forms menu.

You should config email settings in it, http://prntscr.com/mmgvtn

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago


I Already config mailchimp plugin in backend. But I still with problems
with contact 7 form, I don't kown what more I have to do !?
Can you explain me better, I'm sorry but it's my first time with


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia quinta, 14/02/2019 à(s) 10:13:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. As you know, contact form 7 is used for inquiry form and it does not work. It is not Panagea theme issue.

Please confirm you config contact form 7 plugin correctly. If yes, please deactivate all other plugins excepts required plugins for panagea theme and try again.

2. You should config mailchimp plugin in backend. 

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago


more doubts

[image: image.png]

the inquiry form in tour page, show a error when we click send form

and the newsletter form show the follow message, I don't kown what I have
to do it
[image: image.png]


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia terça, 12/02/2019 à(s) 00:23:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


1. You can not remove google map in backend.

But you can hide map in frontend using css in theme options panel.

.btn_map{ display: none !important; }


2. You can change title in theme options panel 



It puts html block in header content, so you should edit html block or create a new html block and set it in theme options panel.

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

Hi again!

where I edit this page ? I want to change the title
[image: image.png]


C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia terça, 12/02/2019 à(s) 00:23:

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

ok tks.

Another doubt,
I want to hide the location map, how can I do it?
[image: image.png]

C-Themes Help Desk
escreveu no dia terça, 12/02/2019 à(s) 00:23:

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago

Hi, Please check http://prntscr.com/mjti8v

I think you set header content and check "Show title in header?"

Please uncheck "Show title in header"

Regards, C-Themes

Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

ok I see, but it's wrong, I only want one title, and shows two!!

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago


I checked your website page http://cmontours.pt/wp/about-us/ and I can see header content.


Regards, C-Themes

Kelly R Support Agent
6 years ago
Hi! We are currently on vacation and we might not be able to respond to your requests before we come back.  Regards, C-Themes Support Team
Ana Sofia Costa
6 years ago

the title h1 doesn't show in any page, can you help me?