Please edit /inc/frontend/tour/functions.php file.
In panagea_tour_get_search_result( $args ) function, you can find following code.
$main_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.tour_id AS tour_id" . $sql;
$ids = $wpdb->get_results( $main_sql, ARRAY_A );
And replace with following codes.
$main_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.tour_id AS tour_id" . $sql;
$main_sql = "SELECT m_t.tour_id, post_st.post_date FROM ( {$main_sql} ) AS m_t LEFT JOIN {$tbl_posts} post_st ON m_t.tour_id = post_st.ID ORDER BY post_st.post_date DESC ";
$ids = $wpdb->get_results( $main_sql, ARRAY_A );
And for restaurant, please edit panagea_restaurant_get_search_result function in /inc/frontend/restaurant/functions.php file
Find following code.
$main_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.restaurant_id AS restaurant_id" . $sql;
$ids = $wpdb->get_results( $main_sql, ARRAY_A );
Replace with following.
$main_sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.restaurant_id AS restaurant_id" . $sql;
$main_sql = "SELECT m_t.restaurant_id, post_st.post_date FROM ( {$main_sql} ) AS m_t LEFT JOIN {$tbl_posts} post_st ON m_t.restaurant_id = post_st.ID ORDER BY post_st.post_date DESC ";
$ids = $wpdb->get_results( $main_sql, ARRAY_A );
Regards, C-Themes