Wp panel has stopped functioning

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme September 03, 2020
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sarah roxon
2 years ago

A topic that is quite old but now has quite a lot of people interested.

Share a new topic slope game here for your reference.

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Then please delete  /wp-content/themes/citytours folder via ftp and upload the new theme folder.

After that please activate another theme and activate citytours theme again in Appearance -> Themes menu.

Best regards,

Daniel Zunzunegui
4 years ago

There is a problem on our panel, on Appearance -> Themes menu *buttons do
not function*
I cannot install themes or any other action

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


Please update the CityTours theme to latest version.

We fixed the issues with WordPress 5.5 in latest version.

Please check https://c-themes.support-hub.io/articles/how-to-update-citytours-theme to update the theme.

Best regards,

Daniel Zunzunegui
4 years ago

We need an answer please

Daniel Zunzunegui
4 years ago

We cannot either update the theme, most buttons on the wordpress panel have stopped functioning 

Daniel Zunzunegui
4 years ago

All sections of our wordpress panel have stopped functioning, they show the menu but once inside the section no buttons are funtioning, when clicking does not move forward 

Seems this is happening after the last wordpress update. Please help asap so we can fix it

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