Please replace /wp-content/themes/citytours/archive-hotel.php file with attachment.
Best regards,
Yes please, I appreciated that because I am not a web developer and I do not want to break anything :) The order would be as follows: 1º District 2º Price 3º Star rating 4º Facility 5º Review Thank you very much for your help. Regards.
Unfortunately, CityTours theme has not option to change order of search filters.
Please edit /wp-content/themes/citytours/archive-hotel.php file to change it.
Or if you tell me order of search filters, I will send you updated file.
I would like to change the order place of hotel search filter. I need to show "district" first.
Could you explain me how I should do it?
Thank you,
Please replace /wp-content/themes/citytours/archive-hotel.php file with attachment.
Best regards,