problem with booking form

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme February 01, 2021
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Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago


I can see you added following css code.

Please remove it.

#home-who-we-are h2 {

        font-size: 50px !important;
        line-height: 55px !important;

Please extend your license to get our support.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago


It is HTML block and you can remove it in Appearance -> widgets menu.

Please check

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago


Please check I can not see the menu issue on your website.

And you can add the javascript code under the following code in /wp-content/themes/lordcros/header.php file.

<?php wp_head(); ?>

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

Please remove the css code you added.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

I can see you added following css code.

#home-room-search-field .lordcros-room-search-shortcode {

    position: absolute;
    left: 50%;
    bottom: -56px;
    transform: translateX(-50%);

It is the issue.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago


LordCros theme has no option to disable dates in the calendar.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago


Unfortunately, LordCros theme only supports Google map.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


1. Footer was made by widgets and you can edit it in Appearance -> Widgets menu.

And you can set footer column count in theme options panel. Please check

2. Please check You should set booking page in theme options panel. Please read description of those fields carefully.

3. Please disable all the payments in theme options panel. Then you will see the only booking request.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

I created room search page and set it in theme options panel.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago
Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


Please confirm login credentials are correct.

I can not login with it.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

I can not login with your credentials.

And it is the public message. 

Please change user name and password and send me via private message.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Please send me your website url and admin credentials.

Let me create the room search page.

Best regards,

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Please set room search page in theme options panel.

And room search page should be "Room Search Page Template".

Best regards,

Vasilis Kipriotakis Bill
4 years ago
Hello i have a problem and i do not know what i must to do. Can you help me ? Thank you

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