Hide the VIEW ON MAP button

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme May 26, 2021
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Marco Corradi
3 years ago


Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

No problem. If you have any other issue, please let me know.

Best regards,

Marco Corradi
3 years ago

SORRY ! ! ! ! ! !
I deleted the space after te "." and now it's ok.

Thanks a lot

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

I can see you added blank between . and btn_map.

Please send me your website admin credentials.

We will help you fix it.

Best regards,

Marco Corradi
3 years ago

Thanks, I put the code in both the place you can see in the attached files, but the buttons doesn't disappear.

Kelly R Support Agent
3 years ago

Please use following css code.

.btn_map{ display: none !important; }

Best regards,

Marco Corradi
3 years ago

Thanks, I used your code:

. btn_map{    display: none; }

but I have always the button and doesn't disappear, can you help me?

Additional Info

Your Website Url: https://www.cittadimontalto.it/tour/museo-etnografico-lacqua-la-terra-la-tela/