Theme Activation

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme August 21, 2021
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Kelly R Support Agent commented privately
Nwokedi Paul
2 years ago

This is what I got from the Namecheap Hosting Service


Thank you for the kind patience!

It appears that your theme provider blocks our server IP on their side as
the result, the installation from third-party source fails.

Please ask them to check following IP for blocks on their side:

In case of any questions, let us know.

Nwokedi Paul
2 years ago

They said the issue is not hosting-related. Kindly check this issue

Kelly R Support Agent
2 years ago


I think there is an issue with your hosting server. Please contact hosting provider.

Best regards,

Nwokedi Paul
2 years ago

I have tried but this is giving error message. Kindly check and resolve the
issue as soon as possible.
Thank you sir

Kelly R Support Agent
2 years ago


Please install/activate required plugins in Appearance -> Install plugins menu.

After that, you can import demo content in Travelo -> Tools menu.

Best regards,

Nwokedi Paul
2 years ago

Am still waiting for your response to the above error issue.
I can not activate theme plugins
Kindly assist with the stated login details

Nwokedi Paul
2 years ago

Hi there

I just purchased your theme and finding it hard to install and activate the required Plugins


User: admin

Password: Pass112@Micolac


Thank you 

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