Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme April 30, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Hello how do i do these modifications:

-Default the “Repeated and Selectable dates on “Tour settings”
-Default Booking box before description

On Accommodation, Tours, Cars, cruises                                                                                                                 -    Display the content of all tabs below description


Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please check to change tour page layout.

And please use following css code in theme options panel to hide mobile menu.

#header .mobile-menu-toggle { display: none !important; }

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Hello got it thank you for your help. What about this:

Then as for the Tour page the screenshot you showed me is not what im asking about. In your demo the Tour  C(with full variation), the display shows first the "Check availability", then the location, duration etc box and the tour booking box stands on the side. Then map below then description of tour comes next at bottom page. How can i have same display so tour description is a below booking tab and not above. How also can i get the map to show right below. i hope u understand check screenshot x.

For the theme blue Mobile Menu showing, i attached a screenshot. I'd like to remove that because i am using another plugin for my Menu bar. Plz view screenshot x1

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


I can see you activated CTBooking plugin.

It is for CityTours theme and it conflicts with Travelo theme. So Business owner can not edit his tours anymore.

I deactivated it. And for now, you can see there is 2 business onwer user role and the 2nd is for citytours theme.

So if you select this user role, the user can not edit tours, etc. Please select the 1st Business owner.

Then this user can edit his tours and cars, etc after administrator publish them.

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Hello any updates?

Sam Galsen commented privately
Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


I did not get your website url and admin credentials.

And As I said in last message, I can login but I can not see file manager.

Please tell me how to edit files in your website in it.

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Hello i sent already my credentials. Did you get them? Thanks

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago

Please send me Website url and admin credentials, too.

And I logged in but I can not see file manager.


Sam Galsen commented privately
Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


In latest version, business owner can edit their tours and cars after they are published.

Please give me your website url and admin credentials and ftp information.

Let me check your website.

And I will help you do 2 other things in your website, too.

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago
Here r the screenshot x + x1
Sam Galsen
5 years ago

I already downloaded and updated my theme.

Then this is crazy you are still not understanding my questions I am not talking about editing "Accomodations"  but business owners EDITING TOURS AND CARS after their listing got approved by admin. In my theme business owners can only view "tours and cars" after their listing was approved, but not edit. WHY? . Is there may be a setting i am missing?

Then as for the Tour page the screenshot you showed me is not what im asking about. In your demo the Tour  C(with full variation), the display shows first the "Check availability", then the location, duration etc box and the tour booking box stands on the side. Then map below then description of tour comes next at bottom page. How can i have same display so tour description is a below booking tab and not above. How also can i get the map to show right below. i hope u understand check screenshot x.

For the theme blue Mobile Menu showing, i attached a screenshot. I'd like to remove that because i am using another plugin for my Menu bar. Plz view screenshot x1

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please download latest version of Travelo theme from themeforest and install it in your website.

And then check business owner can edit his published accommodations or not.

And to change booking form in single tour page, please check You can do it in edit tour.

And please give me screenshot, so that I can understand what you want to remove exactly.

Then I will send you css code, etc.

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Im using a Menu through a plugin however theme Menu is still showing in mobile view. How do i remove that?


Sam Galsen
5 years ago

Another thing is the tour list. My single tour page displays "Tour B (with day variation) and I would like to display my single tour page as "Tour C (with full variation). How do i do that?


Sam Galsen
5 years ago

No thats not the case with me. Here is how it works with my theme. Business owners can still edit new cars or tours after they submit it for approval. But once admin approve the posting, business owners cannot edit cars and tours anymore but just "View" it. iS THERE ANY SETTINGS I CAN CHANGE THIS SO business owners be able to edit even after post was approved.  Thank you.

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Business owner can edit his cars and tours after they were published. It is the same as accommodation.

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

The link you sent is showing "Accomodations"  edit and I am talking about business owners editing Tours and cars after they post and not accomodation. Can they edit TOUR and CARS after it was published? If Yes how?Thx

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Business owners can edit his tours and cars, etc after they was published.

Please check

Regards, C-Themes

Sam Galsen
5 years ago

How do i make business owners edit Tours and cars after they post. Can they edit after it was published? Thx