I can't edit the travel guides after the last travelo theme update

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme May 13, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago
Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Thank you!

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


Please check http://prntscr.com/noc69y to put menu in footer.

And I will fix it in further version.

Regards, C-Themes

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

OK, it was theme 4.0.4

I now have installed 4.0.5 and everything works. Thank you!

But the footer problem remains (see screenshot).  Keep that in mind for the future. It is not a big problem now that I know this happens.

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Both when I keep the child theme active as I usually do, but also if I activate the main theme, travel guides have no edit button.

Στις Δευτέρα, 13 Μαΐου 2019, 1:33:38 μ.μ. EEST, ο χρήστης C-Themes Help Desk έγραψε:


Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

The problem occured after I downloaded version 4.0.4. Is this not the latest version?

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


1. We fixed travel guide edit issue in latest version. Please download latest version from themeforest.

2. Please confirm you enabled hotel feature in theme options panel.  http://prntscr.com/nnvnyc

3. You can just replace travelo theme files with latest version in your website. So footer setting will not be changed.

Regards, C-Themes

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Finally I wanted to say that every time I update your theme, the settings of my footer menu change and I need to reset them. This is frustrating. Please, fix this if possible.

Thank you!

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Hotels have disappeared from the wordpress menu!

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago
No edit buttons on the published "things to do" either!
Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Have also just created a test travel guide, no edit button either. 

Ioannis Sampsonidis
5 years ago

Please, see the screenshots attached