Change payment gateway

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme September 14, 2022
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Adrian Byrne
1 year ago

In the dashboard, you should go to settings then click e-commerce settings then you can see payment gateways, choose the payment gateway which you want to set up and then you can click the set up new account. And besides this, if you need to hire any CV writing company then you should hire CV writing specialists in Ireland company. 

Sanahan2 HGan
2 years ago

A crossword game called Waffle Similar to scrabble, it is a word search game. In the game, you must search the crossword grid for the words that serve as hidden clues. In contrast to genuine crosswords, there are hints tucked away in the crossword grid. Any word you discover in the grid may be noted using a waffle pattern or waffle stamp. In order to uncover the waffle patterns, the players must locate the crossword grid's concealed hints. Try the Waffle Wordle if you like word searches or crossword puzzles. It will help you keep your mind active.

Waqas Naeem commented privately
Waqas Naeem
2 years ago

Hi there,

I want to change my payment gateway Paypal to another how can do this please sort it out this problem thanks.