Calendar missing

CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme November 30, 2022
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minho lee
1 year ago

This forum is amazing and there is a lot of useful content here. Companies can use this content to further improve the quality of disposable nitrile gloves although us map they have not received any complaints about them yet. However, there is still room for improvement. 

bov eki8899
1 year ago

The absence of a calendar can create confusion and disrupt daily routines. A calendar serves as an essential tool for organizing schedules, planning events, and staying on top of important dates. Its absence can leave individuals feeling disoriented and make it challenging to manage time effectively. Check it here

Angelo Radic
2 years ago

Hi bayijiy bayijiy,

thank you.
I have someone looking into it, since those guys here any not replying, although i have extended/renewed support paid for :/

I've managed to get the calendar back, but now there's another issue - once a customer chooses the date and how many guests and they click on "book now" - the new window opens, as usual.
But, it states "you cart is currently empty".
Maybe it's important to say - once i'm logged into my website's wpadmin panel - there are no problems at all.
the calendar is there, the shopping cart is there, etc..
But, naturally - no client can do that.
So, therefore, i have a problem - nobody can complete the order and purchase our tours.

Hopefully, the guy i've hired to fix it would solve the problem soon.
If not, i'll reach out to you.
And also i'll submit the refund ticket to PayPal for the theme's authors to refund my support payment - since they are providing none.

bayijiy bayijiy
2 years ago

Really? Can I help you?

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Angelo Radic
2 years ago


I have already submitted a ticked last week, but no reply from you guys. 

I have this issue on the website, see the attached image 

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