It is search page, so it shows price per trip.
If you visit http://yourwebsite.com/room then it will show price per night.
And if you want to change it in search page, please edit /wp-content/plugins/lordcros-core/inc/room/element-functions.php file.
You can find following codes in it.
if ( ! empty( $total_price ) ) {
echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $total_price ) );
echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/trip', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';
} else {
echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $price_per_night ) );
echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/night', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';
And replace with following code.
echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $price_per_night ) );
echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/night', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';
Regards, C-Themes
Thank you very much. driving directions