Booking plugin filters automatically the rooms

LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme June 19, 2019
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Lolita Dickens
5 days ago

Thank you very much. driving directions

Sasa Rebic
5 years ago

Hi guy,

I have problem with Gutenberg update I dont add in any tour on site? When you solve this issue?

second I want change your booking system with can I do this. This is script:
<script defer="" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

                <iframe seamless="" width="300px" height="1000px" frameborder="0" class="rezdy" src=""></iframe>

artzie Boortzie
5 years ago

Thank you for your kind support,

have a great day!

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


It is search page, so it shows price per trip.

If you visit then it will show price per night.

And if you want to change it in search page, please edit /wp-content/plugins/lordcros-core/inc/room/element-functions.php file.

You can find following codes in it.

if ( ! empty( $total_price ) ) {

       echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $total_price ) );
       echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/trip', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';
      } else {
       echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $price_per_night ) );
       echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/night', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';

And replace with following code.

       echo esc_html( lordcros_price( $price_per_night ) ); 
       echo '<span class="val-unit">' . esc_html__( '/night', 'lordcros-core' ) . '</span>';

Regards, C-Themes

artzie Boortzie
5 years ago

Hello Kelly,

i want to display price per night NOT price per trip in our-rooms page.

Please read the rest of the thread to understand. Allso see attachment.

thank you!

Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


LordCros theme is translation ready.

So you can change some words easily using language file.

Please check

Regards, C-Themes

artzie Boortzie
5 years ago

One final challenge.

The prices now look scary!!! 

can we find a work-around to replace the prices (black) boxes text?

Instead "440 €  / trip" to display 55€ / Night 

I hope it's easy, Thank you anyway!

Have a good one!

artzie Boortzie
5 years ago

Good one Artzie! 

Didn't cross my mind..

Thanks a bunch!


Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


You can not remove predefined search keys such as checkin, checkout date, etc.

Because in it only shows avaialble rooms.

Instead, you can add such link in menu.

Regards, C-Themes

artzie Boortzie
5 years ago

When i go to our-rooms (booking page)

it automaticaly filters the checkout day which is always the day after today.

My rooms have 3 minimum booking days but the system filters the rooms for one night only

and i end up having an empty page without rooms.

So i want to either change on the booking plugin the checkout date to be 10 days later

or remove the predefined checkout date completely so the customers can see all the rooms when they click the our-rooms page.