I changed to not Country but ''Select country'', there is no such string,
just ''Select country...'', but in my string there is no ''...''
As I said before, there is country, so you can not change it to country.
Please change it to another text and try again.
Regards, C-Themes
I changed it to Select country and it still does not appear on frontend.
How can I change it?
I checked your website.
You can not rename "Facility" to "Country", because there is "Country" already in language file.
Loco translate occurs error message with it.
Regards, C-Themes
What can I do with that ''Facility'' renaming? I've changed it to COUNTRY, but it's not showing up on frontend.
Also currency symbol is not showing, I have created EUR under currency and
saved in theme panel
I know that it's there and I have changed it in loco translate, but it's
not changing at front end
You should find it in citytours theme language.
Regards, C-Themes
But there is no string ''Facility'' there are tour, hotel etc facility. I need to rename this http://prntscr.com/p11hcw
I can find "Tour Facility", etc in loco translate plugin.
Please check http://prntscr.com/p0zq6d
Regards, C-Themes
In CTBOOKING section in Loco translate plugin there is no string ''Facility''. I need to rename this string to Country, so on front end users can select country,not facility.
pass: dtmob184
Did you translate ct-booking plugin, too. You should translate it, too.
If you can not do it, please send me your website url and admin credentials. Let me check it.
Regards, C-Themes
We are in vacation now.
We will reply right away when we come back.
I don't need to translate, I need to rename string Facility to Location/Country. I've changed it in loco translate, but it does not appears on website
CityTours theme is translation ready. You can translate it using language file or any translation plugin such as loco, etc.
Please check http://soaptheme.net/document/citytours-wp/#translation to translation.
And please note you should translate CTBooking plugin, too.
Regards, C-Themes
Sorry, I was not clear enough, I need to rename ''FACILITY'' itself, I want to rename it to ''COUNTRY'', so then I have filter option for country
You can edit tour facilities in admin. Please edit them in Tours -> Tour Facilities menu.
Please check http://prntscr.com/orvlno
Regards, C-Themes
Where can I rename tour facilities for frontend?
I help you translated it.
You should create a language file in loco translate first.
For now it is working well.
Please check https://baltictravel.me/wp-admin/admin.php?bundle=citytours&page=loco-theme&action=view
And https://baltictravel.me/tour/
Regards, C-Themes