Problem with maps

Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme September 28, 2019
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lopez mason
2 years ago

Is this not possible? I don't know much about the map yet. I only know we become what we behold.

Yanis Chauvel
4 years ago

Ok, thank you.

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago

Unfortunately, Panagea theme has not hierarchy feature in district taxonomy in search filter.

Regards, C-Themes

Yanis Chauvel
4 years ago


ok thanks.

One more question please:

District is a hierarchical taxonomy. If I use it as a parent, it appears
in the theme (for search filters for example) as the same level as his
child. For example:

District (parent) = France

District (child) = Strasbourg

it appears like that in archive.php

In fact, there are only 2 objects but the system counts 4.

I don't want Strasbourg to appears as the same level than France. It
should appears only when france is selected.

Is there a xay to do that?

Thanks a lot

Le 30/09/2019 10:30, C-Themes Help Desk a rit:

Kelly R Support Agent
4 years ago


Google map api key should be premium key to use javascript features, etc.

Regards, C-Themes

Yanis Chauvel
4 years ago


I have created an map embed api on google cloud console but maps don't load on the site. Is there special requirements for the api key?
