Car bookings

Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme October 21, 2019
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Kelly R Support Agent
5 years ago


I can see you use modern style in Travelo theme, but modern style only supports accommodation category.

You can not use modern style for car rental category. Please change style to default in theme options panel.

Regards, C-Themes

Romian M.
5 years ago


Just installed Travelo with all the required plugins to set a car rental website and set up a couple of cars to test. In the Options, I set Accomodations, Cruises, Tours and Flights to "Disable" and Car Rental to "Enable".

I´m struggling with several issues.

1. When I try to see the page of any car, it shows a page without styles and without the car´s picture. I´ve switched from Travelo Child Theme to Travelo Theme with no success. 

2. I set up the Bookings page, but when I check it out in the front-end, it shows everything without styles.

3. I can´t find the way to set a homepage with the Car Rental booking form. In the Accommodations demo, there´s a shortcode [trav_modern_search_form post_type="accomodation"]. I´ve tried with [trav_modern_search_form post_type="car"] but the form dissapears. What´s the right shortcode? No information on this in the documentation.

Everything is in an online test server. I can provide access.