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stanley wafula Menu Issues Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 1 week ago 4 Ignacio Diez What happened with Pluggin CTBooking? CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 1 week ago 1 Urbano Pérez Problemas con las definiciones de tarifas en las habitaciones de los hoteles. Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Updated 1 week ago 3 Claudio Morales Purchase code CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 1 month ago 0 Marco Carlani City Tours è ancora supportato CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 1 month ago 2 Rosibel Villalobos I cant upload the theme on wordpress, it does not show error messages. CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 2 months ago 17 Renee Blundon Theme Options and WPBakery Page Builder Not Working on Back-End CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 2 months ago 2 Aime Ponda Mali kichimba template question Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 3 months ago 19 Dave Jd Elliott Add a basket icon and editing search box names Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 4 months ago 5 Paul de Meillon Pluginns for Travelo will not install. Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 4 months ago 1 Guillermo Moschini Error 404 when login in wordpress Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 4 months ago 6 artzie Boortzie Booking plugin filters automatically the rooms LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 8 Julian Delgado Check out optional fields Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 1 Suresh Kumar Change text from admin and front end Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Panagea - Hotel and Tours Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 2 Hazem Hendawi Business Owner capabilities Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 2 Ashok Kumar unresponsive on mobile Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 1 Mohmed Abdelbaki how can i install the update of the theme ? Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 2 Nizamettin AKSU Header menu changed after update LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme LordCros - Hotel Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 0 Cristian Del Pasqua Theme is extremely slow CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme CityTours - Hotel & Tour Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 1 Ibrahima Barry Wordpress Template Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Travelo - Travel/Tour/Car Rental/Cruise Booking WordPress Theme Updated 5 months ago 7